Convention de Nommage (Création du nom de groupe)

1. Choisir le type de groupe (G=Global, L=Local et D=Distribution)

2. Choisir le Domaine (PIM, POM ou ALL)

3. Choisir le Site (GVA, LDN, LUX,.... ou ALL)

4. Choisir l'index

5. Choisir les permissions (00, 01, 02, 03 & 04)

6. Choisir le FunctionName, l'AnalyticalOrg ou l'ApplicationName

7. Choisir le Role ou le Folder/Path Name


Proposed Naming Convention The new naming convention will identify security groups from the rest and also help to sort out groups easily by placing the site code closer to the left.
- General:
(GroupType)_(Domain) _(SiteCode)_(Index)(Permission)_(FunctionName)_(RoleName)(/RoleName)
- Fileshare Access:
(GroupType)_(Domain) _(SiteCode)_(Index)(Permission)_(AnalyticalOrg)_(FolderName)
- Application Access:
(GroupType)_(Domain) _(SiteCode)_(Index)(Permission)_(ApplicationName)_(RoleName)